Sheep, goats, and other animals... the craft list is endless. Knowing that a sewing machine is not everyones thing here is a roundup of some lovely alternatives that i've found online.
Wool wrapped sheep - formed from a kidney bean shape of card, clothes peg legs, and bits of felt for ears. Really simple and works well with different colour wools. Click on the picture for the link.

Papercraft sheep - i once tried to do this myself, but failed miserably. Didier on the other hand is much better and as part of his nativity set made sheep that became my favourite characters in the whole scene. Clicking on the picture will take you to the animals book and you need page 10 which will make 2 sheep.

Egg sheep are quite possibly one of the cutest things i've every seen. I wouldn't bother dying them brown to start with though. Pipecleaners, a bit of brown card, the obligitory cotton wool and a black marker give this hard boiled egg a new life... and if it breaks then the kids can eat it! Picture linked to the original instructions.

Next Post - Mission special. a sheep craft for those with almost no resources (and last in this series)

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