For those of you out in the field with no resources this is your craft. This is the basic sheep craft, you can use cotton wool, elbow macaroni painted white, or anything you can find... but my favourite is rice, it is cheap, easy to clean up, and simple to work out how much you need.

You will need : paper / card, 2 circle objects to draw round, a black pencil, glue, one handful of rice per child.
Draw round a large cirle first, then a smaller one for the head, and the same size again for the forhead. Ears and eyes and legs can be added freehand. Colour the black in first (and the background if you are having one), I stupidly did this the wrong way round. The forhead and body are then filled with rice. It really is that simple.

EXTEND IT - turn it into a group craft, use thicker card and paint a backdrop to place a crowd on, use brown rice for the goats and a more oval body, cut the head out of a separate piece of card to make it more three dimentional, use dark fabric scraps from the face, or dark wool and stick on googly eyes.

If resources aren't an issue then using double sided sticky plastic can remove the glue from the table
If you cut it out after using only a glue stick - the rice will come off

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