Comprehension check / GAME

As this session can be spread across three sessions in a rotation model (same story 3 weeks in a row just different activities) I thought i'd introduce a game that can be used to directly prompt questions about the 3 escapes in the story.
this is a simple game where you need a die per board and a pebble per child. (i use pebbles as they can be a prompt for Paul being stoned)

the game can be downloaded by clicking on the picture. it's designed on A3 / A4 paper.

Here are some starter discussion questions that you could use during the game.
  • why is that on the board?
  • what do you think the symbol at the end of the game is about?
  • why would rain stop a sermon?
  • do you think Paul was angry with the people who stoned him?
  • who was Paul with during this escape?
  • can you remember who became a Christian because of this escape?
  • do you think it was important for Paul to go to all these places?
  • do you think this was the end of Paul's journeys....why?
  • .................... do make up lots of your own!!!!

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